学术报告:AI in food authentication

报告人:Hui Wang (王晖) 教授,博导(英国奥斯特大学)

报告简介(Abstract): AI has recently been on the spotlight in media, and has been identified as a priority area of development in national and international research and industrial strategies. AI has already been applied to numerous industries, including security, finance, healthcare, education, transportation, production and more. AI is also increasingly applied to food industry for tasks from food sorting, quality control, supply chain monitoring, new product design, food safety compliance, food identification food authentication. This talk will provide an overview of AI applications in the food industry. It will focus on a particular application, food authentication, covering the rationale, the techniques, the current challenges, and the opportunities. It will also present latest work by the speaker’s team in this area.

报告人简介:王晖教授(Prof. Hui Wang),博士生导师,现任英国奥斯特大学(University of Ulster)计算工程系,他的研究方向主要是学习、推理以及合成数据分析(语境可能性,相似性核;网格机器),以及在决策系统的应用。他在数据挖掘、机器学习和机器理解等研究领域的顶级期刊和国际学术会议上发表200多篇学术论文;承担欧盟基金项目(EU FP7)3项80万英镑、英国投资北爱尔兰研发基金35万英镑,以及英国皇家学会与中国国家自然科学基金等多项科研项目。他还担任国际期刊 IEEE Transactions on SMC-B,International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics副主编和多个国际知名期刊的编委,在10多个国际会议上担任会议主席、副主席等重要职务。他是8个区域、国家和国际项目的评审人。
