
报告题目一:The corona problem for the multiplier algebras of Qk spaces

报告人:Hasi Wulan(Shantou University)



报告摘要:The famous Corona Theorem proved by L.Carleson (1962) answers affirmatively a question raised by S. Kakutani (1941) as to whether the open unit disc in the complex plane is dense in the maximal ideal space of the Banach algebra of bounded analytic functions. As a by-product of L. Carleson's work on the corona problem, the Carleson measure was invented which itself is a very useful tool in modern function theory. In this talk, I will mention the corona problem and show the corona theorem and the Wolff theorem for the multiplier algebra M(Qk). 

报告人简介:乌兰哈斯,男,蒙古族,1998年在东芬兰大学获博士学位,汕头大学数学系教授、博士生导师;主持完成国家自然科学基金项目6项。目前,主持在研国家自然科学基金重点国际合作项目(2018.1-2022.12),在J. Funct. Anal等学术期刊发表论文80余篇,在Springer出版专著Möbius Invariant Qk Spaces。曾获得全国民族地区杰出青年、有突出贡献的中青年专家、曾宪梓教育基金会全国优秀教师二等奖、李嘉诚基金会卓越教学奖、广东省高等学校教学名师、全国模范教师、广东省科学技术奖(自然科学类)二等奖等。曾任中国数学会理事、广东省数学会副理事长。 

报告题目二:The Integration on Fractal Sets

报告人:苏峰(Guangzhou Maritime University)



告摘要:The theory of integration to mathematical analysis is so important that many mathematicians continue to developed new theory to enlarge the class of integrable functions and simplify the Lebesgue theory integration. In this paper, by slight modifying the definition of the Henstock integral which was introduced by Jaroslav Kurzweil and Ralph Henstock, we present a new definition of integral on fractal sets. Furthermore, its integrability has been discussed, and the relationship between differentiation and integral is also established. As an example, the integral of Cantor function on Cantor set is calculated.



报告题目三:Representations and applications of meromorphic solutions of some odd higher order algebraic differential equations




报告摘要: In this talk, we introduce some results of representations and existence of meromorphic solutions of some odd higher order algebraic differential equations with constant coefficients and dominant term by using the Nevanlinna's value distribution theory. Many results are the corollaries of our results, and we also introduce the complex method to find all traveling wave exact solutions of corresponding partial differential equations, and the characteristic of real elliptic functions. Our results show that the complex method provide a powerful mathematical tool for solving great many nonlinear partial differential equations in mathematical physics.


袁文俊:男,汉族,1998年在中国科学院数学研究所获得博士学位。广州大学广州学者特聘教授,博士生导师。美国数学评论评论员、数学辞海复变函数论编委、国家与广东省自然科学基金项目评议人。主要从事复分析及其应用方向的学术研究工作。已在国内外《中国科学》等40余种专业期刊上公开发表学术研究论文170篇,其中国内核心期刊与境外期刊发表120篇(权威核心17篇,SCI、EI或ISTP检索70篇)。出版专著1部,发表译文5篇。主持完成国家自然科学基金资助项目(11271090; 10471028) 两项、广东省自然科学基金资助项目(S2012010010121; 020586)两项以及一项广州市高校科技计划资助项目(2006)、新疆省教委重点资助项目和校级重点资助项目两项;参加完成国家与广东省自然科学基金资助项目(19971091;10771220;2016A030310257;2015A030313346)各两项、国家教育部博士点基金(200810780002)和广州市科技计划资助项目(2004J1-C0333)各一项,广州市高校科技计划资助项目(01-7,2025,62035)三项。获省级优秀论文二等奖一项并获省级成果登记。2014年2月获广东省第七届优秀教学成果二等奖,排名第三。
