Lin Zisen of our school achieved a zero breakthrough in the 5th China "Internet +" University Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

October 12-15, the Fifth China “Internet + ” University Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Final was held at the Zijin’gang Campus, Zhejiang University, our school won one gold and one silver, in the gold medal has made zero breakthroughs, best Time in history. Our School Lin Zuanhui teacher won the National Outstanding Innovation and Entrepreneurship Mentor Award. School Party Committee Zhong Yangjin Deputy Secretary led the team to participate in this contest, the Ministry of Education Department Director Wu Yan, Deputy Inspector Qiu Kenan to the scene to guide our school team.

The theme of this contest is “dare to be the first to fly the youth dream, dare to build a new era of achievement with the tide head” . The entries are divided into four sections according to types: “Higher Education, vocational education, international, and budding” . Among them, the track of the high school leaders has the highest gold content, competition is particularly fierce. In the end, the first race of this track was won by the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, the second by Tsinghua University, and the third place was won by Lin Zisen, a student from our college. Vice Premier Sun Chunlan of the State Council met with Lin Zisen, the founder and team of maxtronics shoes, during a live broadcast of the competition on behalf of Guangdong Province.

Director-general Wu Yan of the Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education visits the participating teams of our school

The competition, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education selected a total of 39 projects to participate. Our school ranks first among colleges and universities in Guangdong Province with one gold and one silver. At the main circuit, National Sun Yat-sen University won a gold medal, South China University of Technology Three silver medals and Guangdong University of Technology Two silver medals. A total of 4.57 million students and 1.09 million teams from 124 countries and regions, 4,093 schools have signed up for the competition. The number of applicants and the projects they have entered are close to the sum total of the previous four competitions. In the end, 581 events made it to the national finals.

School Party Committee Zhong Yangjin Deputy Secretary and Provincial Department of Education Qiu Kenan Deputy Inspector to visit our school team of participating students

At present, China’s “Internet plus” University Students Innovation and entrepreneurship competition is the top competition of domestic university students innovation and entrepreneurship. Many universities use it as a demonstration competition of comprehensive strength, such as talent cultivation, transformation of scientific and technological achievements, etc. , have invested heavily in human and material resources. This year, for the first time, our university supported the innovation and Entrepreneurship of college students in the special construction funds of high-level universities. In order to celebrate the 110th anniversary of the school with outstanding achievements, the School of Innovation and entrepreneurship is equipped with both on-campus and off-campus tutors for the students’ innovation and entrepreneurship team. At the same time, for the first time, the project of co-creation between teachers and students was funded.