
姓名 刘木伙 性别
研究生导师类型 硕士生导师 研究方向 图论及其应用 (主要从事结构图论、图谱理论及其应用、组合矩阵论和超图的计数等方面的研究)
职务 暂无 职称 副教授
所属组织机构 暂无
办公地点 702 办公电话 85280322
电子邮箱 liumuhuo@scau.edu.cn or liumuhuo@163.com 个人主页 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_653c11ac0101bf14.html











研究领域: 组合数学;组合矩阵论;图论;化学图论





(1)华南农业大学校长基金 (4900-K08225,主持,0.8):超图以及图谱的研究,2008.06-2010.06

(2)广东高校优秀青年创新人才培养计划项目(No. LYM10039,主持,3): 图论的理论及其应用的研究,2011.01--2012.12

(3)江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划资助项目(No. CXZZ12_0378,主持,2):图谱的理论及其应用,2012.06--2014.06;





(1) 广东省博士启动基金(No.5300084,排名第五,2):组合矩阵论研究,2006.01—2007.12

(2) 国家自然科学基金数学天元基金项目(No.10526019,排名第五,3):组合数学-组合矩阵论研究,2006.01—2006.12


(4)国家自然科学基金(No. 11071088,排名第三,25),组合矩阵论的指数理论和谱理论,2011.01-2013.12

(5)江苏省自然科学基金(No. BK20131357,排名第三,10): 图的拓扑指标与图参数的极值问题及相关问题,2013.07-2016.06

(6)国家自然科学基金面上基金项目(No. 11571123,排名第三,50):张量的本原性、本原指数及张量与超图谱若干问题的研究,2016/01-2019/12






   2010年华南农业大学理学院创先争优学生管理服务岗” 示范岗











Journal of Graph Theory  (SCI)

Linear Algebra and its Applications (SCI)

Discrete Mathematics (SCI);
          Discrete Applied Mathematics (SCI)

Computers and Mathematics with Applications (SCI)

Applied Mathematics Letters (SCI)
         Ars Combinatoria (SCI)

Utilitas Mathematica (SCI);

MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (SCI)

Journal of Combinatorial Optimization (SCI)

Filomat (SCI)

Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics

Journal of Discrete Mathematics 

Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing

The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics

Konuralp Journal of Mathematics




[1] Bolian Liu, Zhibo Chen, Liu Muhuo, On graphs with largest Laplacian index, Czechoslovak Math. J. 58(4)(2008), 949-960.(SCI)

[2] Liu Muhuo,Bolian Liu. The degree series of  The 3-Harmonic graphsApplied  Mathematics, A journal of  Chinese University, Ser. B.23(4)(2008), 481-489.(SCI)

[3] 刘木伙,柳柏濂严格(d)-连通无圈超图的计数数学学报, 50(6)(2007)1305-1310.

[4] Liu Muhuo, Bolian Liu, The degree series of the Harmonic graphs, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics31(2007),705-712. 


[5] Bolian Liu, Liu Muhuo, Zhifu YouErratum to "A note on the largest eigenvalue of non-regular graphs", Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra

18 (2009), 64-68. (SCI)

[6]Bolian Liu, Liu Muhuo. On the spread of the spectrum of a graphDiscrete Math.309 (2009), 2727-2732. (SCI,EI)

[7] Muhuo Liu,Bolian LiuNew sharp upper bounds for the first  Zagreb index, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 62 (2009), 689-698. (SCI)

[8]Liu Muhuo,Bolian Liu. On  Harmonic graphsApplied  Mathematics, A journal of  Chinese University, Ser. B.24(2)(2009), 245-252.(SCI)

[9] Muhuo Liu,Bolian LiuZhifu You, The majorization theorem of connected graphsLinear Algebra Appl., 431(2009), 553-557. (SCI,EI) 

[10]Liu Muhuo, Xuezhong Tan, The first to (k+1)-th smallest Wiener (hyper-Wiener) indices of connected graphsKragujevac Journal of Mathematics32(2009), 109-115.  

[11]  刘木伙,柳柏濂匀称无圈超图的计数系统科学与数学,29(8)(2009), 1028-1033.

[12] 刘木伙,柳柏濂,无标号真严格(d)−连通无圈超图的计数,应用数学学报,32(6)(2009),1086-1096.

[13]魏福义,刘木伙. 双圈图的Laplace 矩阵的谱半径,纯粹数学与应用数学,25(2009), 19-25


[14] Liu Muhuo, Bolian Liu, Trees with the seven smallest and fifteen greatest Hyper-Wiener indices, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 63(2010), 151-170. (SCI)

[15] Muhuo  Liu, A note on D-Equienergetic graphs,  MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 64(2010),135-140 (SCI)

[16] Muhuo  Liu, A simple approach to order the first Zagreb indices of connected graphsMATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 63 (2010)425-432. (SCI)

[17] Muhuo Liu,Bolian LiuThe signless Laplacian spread, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 432(2010), 505-514. (SCI,EI)

[18]Muhuo Liu,Bolian LiuOn  the k-th smallest and k-th  greatest modified Wiener  indices of treesDiscrete Applied Mathematics158 (2010), 699-705. (SCI,EI) 

[19] Muhuo Liu, Bounds on the spectral radius of the  line distance matrixMATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 63(2010), 717-724 (SCI). 

[20] Muhuo Liu, Bolian Liu, Some results on the Laplacian spectrum spectrum, Computers and Mathematics with Applications,  59 (2010), 3612-3616. (SCI,EI)

[21]Muhuo Liu,Bolian LiuQian LiErratum to ‘The trees on vertices with the first to seventeenth greatest Wiener indices are chemical trees'MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.,  64 (2010), 743-756. (SCI)

[22]Muhuo Liu,Xuezhong Tan, Bolian Liu,The (signless) Laplacian   spectral radius of unicyclic and bicyclic graphs  with n vertices and k pendant 

vertices,Czechoslovak Math. J.60(3) (2010), 849-867. (SCI)

[23]Muhuo Liu, Bolian Liu,  On the variable Wiener indices of trees with given maximum degree, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 52 (2010), 1651-1659. (SCI,EI)

[24]Muhuo Liu,  On the Laplacian spread of trees and unicyclic graphs,Kragujevac Journal of  Mathematics, 34 (2010), 151-159.

[25] Muhuo Liu, Bolian Liu, Some properties  of the first general  Zagreb index, The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 47 (2010), 285-294.


[26]Muhuo Liu, Bolian Liu, A note on sum of powers of the Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs, Applied Mathematics Letters, 24 (2011), 249-252 (SCI,EI).

[27]Muhuo Liu, Bolian Liu,On the spectral radii and the signless Laplacian spectral radii of c-cyclic graphs with fixed maximum degree, Linear Algebra  

Appl., 435 (2011) 3045-3055. (SCI,EI)

[28]Muhuo Liu,Bolian LiuOn the Wiener polarity indexMATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 66 (2011), 293-304  (SCI).

[29]Muhuo Liu, Bolian Liu,Fuyi Wei,Graphs determined by its (signless) Laplacian spectra, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 22 (2011), 112-124. (SCI)

[30] Fuyi Wei, Muhuo Liu, Ordering of the signless Laplacian spectral radii of unicyclic graphs, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 49(2011), 255-264.

[31]  Muhuo Liu,Some results on the   signless Laplacian spectra  of unicyclic graphs,ISRN Algebra,vol. 2011,  10 pages, 2011. doi:10.5402/2011/282940.

[32]Muhuo Liu, Bolian Liu,On pseudoachromatic number of graphsSoutheast Asian Bull. Math.35 (2011), 431-438.

[33]刘木伙,谭学忠,柳柏濂,恰有k个悬挂点的n阶双圈和三圈图的拟拉普拉斯谱半径,高校应用数学学报,26(2) (2011), 215-222.


[34] Muhuo Liu,Bolian Liu,  The second Zagreb indices and Wiener polarity indices of trees with given degree sequences,MATCH Commun. Math.

 Comput. Chem., 67 (2012)439-450 (SCI)

[35]Muhuo Liu, Bolian Liu, New method and new results on the order of spectral radius, Computers and Mathematics with Applications,  63(2012) 679-686 (SCI,EI).

[36] Muhuo Liu, Bolian Liu,  Some results on the majorization  theorem of  connected  gaphsActa Mathematica SinicaEng. Ser., 28 (2012)371-328.(SCI).

[37] Muhuo Liu, Bolian Liu,   Some results on the spectral radii of trees, unicyclic and bicyclic graphs, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra,23 (2012),327-339 (SCI).

[38]Muhuo Liu,Some graphs determined by their (signless) Laplacian   spectraCzechoslovak Mathematical Journal62(4) (2012), 1117-1134 (SCI).

[39]Muhuo Liu, Bolian Liu, On sum of powers of the signless Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs,  Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 41(4)(2012), 527-536 (SCI).

[40]Muhuo Liu,The (signless Laplacian) spectral radii of connected graphs with prescribed degree sequences,The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 19(4) (2012), #P35 (SCI)

[41]Muhuo Liu, The (signless) Laplacian spectrum of c-cyclic graphs with n vertices and k pendant vertices,Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 23(2012),942-952.(SCI)

[42] 尤利华,刘木伙,柳柏濂,本原不可幂带号有向图的Lewin数的界,应用数学学报,35(2012),396-407.



[44]Muhuo Liu, Lihua You, Bolian Liu, The proof of  a conjecture on the lewin number of primitive non-powerful signed digraphs, Linear Algebra

  Appl., 438 (2013), 2366-2377  (SCI,EI).

[45]Bolian Liu, Muhuo Liu, Zhifu You,The majorization  theorem  for signless Laplacian   spectral  radii of  connected graphs,  Graphs and Combinatorics, 29(2013),281-287.(SCI).

[46]Muhuo  Liu, Feng Li, Kinkar Ch. Das, Ordering the Zagreb coindices of connected graphs, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 70 (2013),939-948.(SCI)

[47] Kinkar Ch. Das, Kexiang Xu, Muhuo Liu,On sum of powers of the Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs,  Linear Algebra  Appl., 439(2013), 3561-3575.(SCI,EI)

[48]刘木伙,李凤,关于代数连通度的一个注记,数学研究,46(2) (2013),206-208.


[49]Muhuo Liu, Bolian Liu, A note on the LEL-equienergetic graphs,  Ars Combin., 113 (2014), 435-439 (SCI).

[50]Muhuo Liu, Bolian Liu,The second Zagreb indices of unicyclic graphs with given degree sequencesDiscrete Appl. Math.167 (2014) 217-221 .(SCI,EI)

[51]Haiyan Li, Yanting Liang, Muhuo Liu, Baogang Xu, On minimum balanced bipartitions of triangle-free graphs, J. Comb. Optim. 27 (2014), 557-566. (SCI).

[52]Muhuo Liu, Haiying Shan,  Kinkar Ch. Das, Some graphs determined by their (signless) Laplacian spectra, Linear Algebra  Appl., 449(2014)154–165 (SCI,EI).

[53]Muhuo Liu, Bolian Liu, Xuezhong Tan, The first nine maximal LEL-invariant of graphs with n vertices, Utilitas Mathematica, 93(2014), 153-160. (SCI)

[54] Muhuo Liu,  Wei Fuyi, Bolian Liu, On the Laplacian spectral radii of  tricyclic graphs  Ars Combin.,  114(2014), 129-143.  (SCI) 

[55] Muhuo Liu, Bolian Liu,The majorization theorem of extremal pseudographs, Linear Algebra  Appl., 459(2014), 13-22.  (SCI,EI) 

[56]Kinkar Ch. Das, Muhuo Liu, Haiying Shan, Upper bounds on the (signless) Laplacian  eigenvalues of graphs, Linear Algebra Appl., 459(2014),334-341. (SCI,EI)  

[57]Muhuo Liu, Bolian Liu, The nine  smallest  hyper-Wiener indices of trees and the eight smallest Wiener (hyper-Wiener) indices of unicyclic graphsUtilitas Math., 95 (2014): 129-139.(SCI)


[58] Muhuo  Liu, Bolian Liu, Bo Cheng, Ordering (signless) Laplacian   spectral  radii with   maximum degrees  of graphs, Disc. Math., 338 (2015), 159-163. (SCI,EI)
        [59]Muhuo  Liu, Baogang Xu, Bipartition of graph under degree constraints,Science China  Mathematics, 58(2015), 869–874. (SCI).

[60]Muhuo Liu, Bolian Liu, On the signless Laplacian spectra of bicyclic and tricyclic graphs Ars Combin.120(2015), 169-180. (SCI)

[61]I. Gutman, Kexiang Xu, Muhuo  Liu, A congruence relation for Wiener and Szeged indices, Filomat, 29:5(2015),1081-1083. (SCI).

[62] Muhuo Liu,Bolian Liu,Rui Li,The strong pseudochromatic number of a graph,  Utilitas Math.,98 (2015),3-21.(SCI)



[64]Kinkar Ch. Das,Muhuo Liu,Complete split graph  determined by its  (signless) Laplacian  spectrum,Discrete Appl. Math.,205(2016), 45-51.(SCI)

[65]Muhuo Liu, Baogang Xu, On judicious partitions of graphs,J. Comb. Optim.,31(2016),1383-1398.(SCI).

[66]单海英,刘木伙(通讯作者),c圈图的拉普拉斯谱半径和最大度,中国科学(中文版),2016,46,46(8), 1227-1240.

[67] Kinkar Ch. Das,Muhuo Liu(通讯作者),Quotient of spectral radius, (signless) Laplacian spectral radius and clique number of graphs,Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,66(2016), 1039–1048. (SCI)


[68]Muhuo Liu, Yanli Zhu, Haiying Shan(通讯作者), Kinkar Ch. Das,The  spectral characterization of butterfly-like graphs,Linear Algebra and its Applications, 513(2017),55-68.(SCI)

[69] Kinkar Ch. Das,Muhuo Liu,Kite graphs determined by their spectra,Applied Mathematics and Computation, 297(2017),74-78. (SCI)

[70]Muhuo Liu, Kinkar Ch. Das,Hongjian Lai,The spectral radii of c-cyclic graphs with n vertices, girth g and k pendant vertices,Linear Multilinear Algebra,on line. (SCI)

[71]Guangliang Zhang,Muhuo Liu, Haiying Shan (通讯作者), Which Q-cospectral graphs have same degree sequences,  Linear Algebra and its Applications, to appear. (SCI) 

 [72]Muhuo Liu, Baogang Xu,On partitions of graphs under degree constrains, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 226 (2017) 87-93. (SCI)

 [73]Kinkar Ch. Das,Muhuo Liu (通讯作者),Minimal extremal  graphs for addition of algebraic connectivity and independence number of connected graphs, Filomat,31(2017), 5545-5551.(SCI) 

[74]Muhuo Liu, Yanli Zhu, Haiying Shan (通讯作者), Kinkar Ch. Das, Erratum to "The spectral characterization of butterfly-like graphs" [Linear Algebra Appl., 513 (2017), 55-68],Linear Algebra Appl., 539(2018), 274-276].(SCI)

[75]Muhuo Liu,Kinkar Ch. Das,On the ordering of distance-based invariants of graphs,Applied Mathematics and Computation, 324(2018),191-201. (SCI)

[76]Kinkar Ch. Das,Muhuo Liu,On two conjectures of spectral graph theory,Bull. Iran. Math. Soc. (2018) 44:43–51. (SCI)

[77] Muhuo Liu, Yuan Yuan, Lihua You, Zhibing Chen, Which cospectral graphs have same degree sequences, Discrete Mathematics, to appear. (SCI)

[78]Muhuo Liu, Kexiang Xu, Xiao-Dong Zhang, Extremal graphs for vertex-degree-based invariants with given degree sequences,Discrete Applied Mathematics,to appear. (SCI)

[79]Yuedan Yao,Muhuo Liu (通讯作者),Kinkar Ch. Das,Yingshi Ye,Some extremal results for vertex-degree-based invariants,MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.,to appear. (SCI)




[2]Muhuo Liu; Bolian Liu, Extremal Theory of Graph Spectrum, University of Kragujevac and Faculty of Science Kragujevac, 2018.



[1] Muhuo Liu, Bolian Liu, A survey on  recent  results of  variable  Wiener  index,MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 69(2013), 491-520. (SCI).

[2]Kexiang Xu, Muhuo Liu, Kinkar Ch. Das, Ivan Gutman and Boris Furtula, A survey on graphs extremal with respect to distance-based topological indices, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.,71(2014), 461-508. (SCI).

[3]Muhuo Liu, Bolian Liu, Kinkar Ch. Das, Recent results on the majorization theory of graph spectrum and topological index theory-a survey, The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 30(2015),  402-421. (SCI).  



[1]2012715日至2012719日,洛阳,第五届全国组合数学与图论大会,报题目:Spectral radius and maximum degree

[2]2013530日至62日,福州,图与超图谱理论国际研讨会议,报告题目:The Theory and Application of the Majorization Theorems  

[3]2013717日至721日,韩国成均馆大学,韩国水原市,报告题目:The Theory and Application of the Majorization Theorems  

[4]]2013728日至731日,青海省西宁市:International Conference on Algebric Graph Theory and its Applications,报告题目:The (signless) Laplacian spectral radii  of c-cyclic graphs with n vertices and k pendant vertices

[5]2014118日至1110日,广州,第六届全国组合数学与图论大会,报告题目: 对最小度有所约束的图的划分问题

[6]20150718日至0719日,兰州,第六届图论与组合算法国际研讨会(GTCA2015,报告题目: Some results on judicious k-partitions of graphs

[7] 2016年 489, Wright State University, Dayton, MIGHTY LVII (57th  MIdwest  Graph  Theory  Meeting,报告题目:The (signless) Laplacian spectral radii of c-cyclic  graphs  with  n  vertices,  girth g  and k  pendant  vertices



[10]2017年11月15日,暨南大学, 报告题目:谱半径排序的统一方法和统一结果


[12]2018年1月8日,中山大学,报告题目:Some results on partition problem of graphs

[13]2018年1月16日,南京航空航天大学理学院,报告题目:The majorization theory and its application

[14]2018年2月27日,韩国成均馆大学,报告题目:The majorization theory and its application

 [15]2018.07.06-2018.07.08,珠海中山大学,广东省组合图论学术会议,报告题目:Unified  methods and results on the spectral property of hamiltonian problem

[16]2018.08.23-2018.08.27,合肥,第八届全国组合数学与图论大会,报告题目:Unified methods and results on the spectral property of hamiltonian problem


                                                 CV of Muhuo Liu


 Muhuo  Liu,  Male, PhD,


Born:  March, 1981,  in Guangdong, People's Republic of China


Mail address:   Department of Applied  Mathematics,  College of Mathematics and Information,  South China Agricultural University,   Guangzhou,  510642,  People's Republic of China


 E-mail addresses: liumuhuo@163.com;  liumuhuo@scau.edu.cn


 Research Interests:    Graph Theory with its Applications


 School Education:

(1) 1999.092003.7:  Graduated from South China Normal University, Bachelor' s degree in Mathematics;

(2) 2003.092006.07: Graduated from South China Normal University, Master degree   in Mathematics;

(3) 2011.092014.06: Graduated from Nanjing Normal University,PhD. degree in Mathematics;

       (4) Research visit to the West Virginia University of USA, 2015.08-2016.08.


 Employment History:

(1) 2006.07Teacher in Department of Mathematics, College of Science,South China gricultural University;

(2) 2012.12  Associate Professor in Mathematics.


Academic Service:

1. Reviewer (No. 069161) for Mathematical Reviews (2009)

2. Refereeing for the following journals:

(1) Journal of Graph Theory  (SCI)

(2) Linear Algebra and its Applications (SCI);

(3)  Discrete Mathematics (SCI);

(4)  Discrete Applied Mathematics (SCI);

(5)  Computers and Mathematics with Applications (SCI);

(6)  Applied Mathematics Letters (SCI);

(7)  Ars Combinatoria  (SCI);

(8) Utilitas Mathematica (SCI);

(9) MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (SCI);

(10)  Journal of Combinatorial Optimization (SCI);

(11)  Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics;

(12)  Journal of Discrete Mathematics


 Research Grants:

1. PI (Principal Investigator): Fund of South China Agricultural University: No. 4900-K082252008.062010.06.

2.  The PhD Start-up Fund of Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province: No.5300084, 2006.012007.12

3. National Science Foundation of China (NSFC): No. 10526019, 2006.012006.12;

4. PI (Principal Investigator) Foundation for Distinguished Young Talents in Higher Education of Guangdong: No. LYM10039, 2011.012012.12.

5.  PI (Principal Investigator) Project of Graduate Education Innovation of Jiangsu Province: No. CXZZ12-0378, 2012.062014.06.

6. PI (Principal Investigator): National Science Foundation of China (NSFC): No. 11201156, 2013.012015.12;

7.  PI (Principal Investigator): Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province: No. BK20131357, 2013.072016.07

8. Training Program for Outstanding Young Teachers in University of   Guangdong Province (No. YQ2015027)2016.012018.12



[1] M. Liu,  B. Liu, Extremal theory of graph spectrum, to appear.

[2] B. Liu, M. Liu, Some recent results on the variable Wiener index of graphs,  In: I. Gutman, B. Furtula (Eds.), Distance in Molecular Graphs Theory, Univ. Kragujevac, Kragujevac, 2012, 231-282.



[1] M. Liu, B. Liu, A survey on  recent  results of  variable  Wiener  index, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.  69(2013)  491-520.  (SCI) 

[2]K. Xu, M. Liu, Kinkar Ch. Das, I. Gutman, B. Furtula, A survey on graphs extremal with respect to distance-based topological indices,  MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.  71(2014)  461-508.   (SCI)

[3]M. Liu, B. Liu, K. Ch. Das, Recent results on the majorization theory of graph spectrum and topological index theory-a survey, The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 30(2015),  402-421.  (SCI)


Partial Papers.

[1] M. Liu, B. Liu, On  the k-th smallest and k-th  greatest modified Wiener  indices of trees, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 158(2010)  699-705.  (SCI)

[2] M. Liu, B. Liu, On the spectral radii and the signless Laplacian spectral radii of c-cyclic graphs with fixed maximum degree,   Linear Algebra  Appl.,  435 (2011) 3045-3055. (SCI)

[3] M. Liu, Some graphs determined by their (signless) Laplacian   spectra, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,  62(4)(2012)  1117-1134. (SCI)

[4] M. Liu, The (signless Laplacian) spectral radii of connected graphs with prescribed degree sequences,  The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 19(4)(2012), #P35. (SCI)

[5] M. Liu, The (signless) Laplacian spectrum of c-cyclic graphs with n vertices and k pendant vertices,  Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra,  23(2012) 942-952. (SCI)


[6] M. Liu, L. You, B. Liu, The proof of  a conjecture on the lewin number of primitive non-powerful signed digraphs,  Linear Algebra  Appl., 438(2013) 2366-2377.(SCI)

[7] M. Liu, B. Liu, The majorization theorem of extremal pseudographs,  Linear Algebra  Appl. 459(2014)  13-22. (SCI)

[8] M. Liu, B. Liu, The second Zagreb indices of unicyclic graphs with given degree sequences,  Discrete Appl. Math., 167(2014) 217-221.(SCI)

[9] K. Ch. Das, M. Liu, H. Shan, Upper bounds on the (signless) Laplacian  eigenvalues of graphs,  Linear Algebra Appl., 459(2014)  334-341. (SCI)

[10] M. Liu, B. Liu, The majorization theorem of extremal pseudographs, Linear Algebra  Appl. 459(2014)  13-22. (SCI)

[11] K. Ch. Das, M. Liu, H. Shan, Upper bounds on the (signless) Laplacian  eigenvalues of graphs, Linear Algebra Appl., 459(2014)  334-341. (SCI)

[12]K. Ch. Das, M. Liu,Complete split graph  determined by its  (signless) Laplacian spectrumDiscrete Applied Mathematics


[13] H. Shan, M. Liu, Laplacian spectral radius of c-cyclic graph and maximum vertex degree (in Chinese), Sci Sin Math, 2016, 46: 1–14, doi: 10.1360/012015-25.