学术报告:Curvature detection using Taylorlets

报告人:Uwe Kaehler教授(阿威罗大学)

题目:Curvature detection using Taylorlets



腾讯会议ID:129 595 005,Pin:1234


主办单位:华南农业大学 数学与信息学院

摘要:The problem in detection of nodules in medical images consists of two parts: the detection of edges and the detection of curvature. For the detection of edges as elements of the wavefront set of an image shearlets appeared in the last decade as the principal approach based on approximation. But elements of the wavefront set have a problem in the sense that they are singularities with prescribed direction, but not prescribed curvature. To overcome this problem higher order shearlets, so-called Taylorlets were introduced. While we will discuss them in this talk we will also point out and discuss a principal mathematical problem arising in their application: the problem of construction of a Schwartz function with infinitely many generalized vanishing moments. We will show that Meyer's frequency-based approach does not fit this case and provide a space-based method for its generation. 

Uwe Kaehler教授简介:葡萄牙Aveiro大学数学系副教授。1998/09于德国Chemnitz University of Technology数学系获得博士学位;2006/01于葡萄牙Aveiro大学数学系获得Habilitation高级学术资格(欧洲国家第二阶段博士)。研究领域为:Clifford分析及应用、PDE、算子理论、逼近论、离散函数论、调和分析。担任六个国际杂志编委(Complex Anal. and Operator Th., Applied Math. and Comp., Central European J. of Math., Open Math., Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, IJWMIP)。 共发表论文102篇。